Oleh Dokuka

Netifi | Senior Software Engineer

#Reactive #Guru at @netifi_inc . Speaker, Writer. Active committer of @ProjectReactor and @RSocketIO . All things #Reactive

Oleh Dokuka is a senior software engineer at Netifi and co-author of the book, “Hands-On Reactive Programming in Spring 5”. He is an active committer to Project Reactor and RSocket, as well as a contributor to Reactive GRPC. In 2019, he was a finalist in the Oracle Groundbreaker Awards in recognition of his expertise with Java. Oleh holds a master’s degree in Geoinformatics from the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (Ukraine).


Teach your PacMan to play with ML and Reactive Streams
Today the adoption of Machine Learning is enormous. We use it almost everywhere: on clusters, on our phones, on hand watches and even on the teapots. But, who knows how challenging could be the development of the continuously improved (or even real-time) machine learning. Servers’ capacity, stability, performance, along with a proper ML algorithm selection and many other properties must be taken into account. In this presentation, we will be demonstrating bots education for multiplayer Pacman game. We will show how elegant could be the development of such a problem with Kafka, Akka, RSocket and Reinforcement Machine Learning.